
Abacus Dental Care, 52 Lennon Drive, Milton Keynes, MK8 0AS

Deciding to get Invisalign braces as an adult or any age to be fair, for crooked teeth is an important decision, one anyone could make in Milton Keynes.

But some clients, even after waiting for years, are yet to decide if their teeth carry enough importance for them to make any investments with Invisalign or braces.

Unfortunately, age has also created a big obstacle in the way of some patients to getting the procedure done.

Whether you belong to the group of the young patients who are still not sure if they should get the treatment now or wait a bit longer or older patients who are already worried that they probably have waited too long, this article has put together some things you need to know about Invisalign and age.

The major determinant is Bone density and not age

In terms of years, it is never too late to get Invisalign. Age is not the major determinant here; bone density is. It is the one that determines the effectiveness of the procedure and not how old you are.

If you are older, your doctor will check you out to be sure you have sufficient bone density to undergo the procedure.

Older people usually have challenges with bone density. Because of this, some teeth may move easily while some may pose some problems.

Older people are often asked to wear trays for a longer period

You don’t have to wait till you are older before getting Invisalign because doing that may cause you to wear the trays longer than a younger person would.

You might have heard about the trend that “young mouths tend to be a little healthier.” It is true most of the time.

However, if you go for your checkup and your doctor says your teeth are healthy, it may be possible for you to get your trays off just like a younger person.

When you comply with instruction; anyone can benefit from the treatment

The truth is that the effectiveness of Invisalign is determined by how much the recipient complies with instructions.

This is one reason it is not always recommended for younger teens because most times, you may need to wear the retainers according to the instructions given to you by your doctor.

You may be required to wear it for weeks at a time – with about 20-22 hours daily. The longer you have the retainers on, the faster your teeth move and the better the result of the procedure.

Because older people tend to be more aware of how important it is to have straight, well-aligned teeth, they often receive better result by following the instructions.


If you are also thinking of waiting to get Invisalign when you are older and not now, you should also know that it is sometimes difficult to get the procedure done at older ages.

Your mouth health may not be good enough, or you may have a very low bone density to allow for the procedure. So, don’t miss out on the window of opportunity to get perfectly aligned teeth when you can. It’s just the right time to take a step.

If you wish to learn more, please refer to other related blog posts. Or even better, contact us so we can better answer any questions you might have.

It’s free and we are more than happy to help anyone in Milton Keynes.

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